How does having diabetes impact your health?

Do you even know that an average American consumes around 17 teaspoons of sugars each day, which comprises a wide range of sugars that aren’t typically found in our foods? Most of them come from sweet bites like treats or sodas. However, even healthy food sources like fruit juices and bread contain too many added sugars.

Sugar And Your Body

Sugar may appear to be harmless. However, even a little excess sugar can severely affect your well-being. The team of specialized doctors at Harbor Compounding pharmacy is working hard for you to see how excess amounts of sugar may be putting your health at risk.

Usually, when thinking about sugar-related Female sexual health problems, they consider type 2 diabetes or weight gain only. These are serious medical problems related to sugar consumption and are enough reasons to cut back your sugar consumption. However, in any case, it does not mean that these are the only consequences of sugar.

Before digging into the effects of added sugars, it is essential to understand that this myth triggers sugar consumption in people. It’s normal for some people to defend their bad habits by believing they are fulfilling their bodies’ needs for carbohydrates for body functioning.

Your body indeed needs a few carbohydrates to stay healthy. However, it means a healthy balanced diet that contains natural sugars only. Your body doesn’t require any added sugars. Instead, these sugars can cause short-and severe long-term health issues like the ones written in this article below.

Heart Diseases

Research shows people who intake an excessive amount of sugar have an overall higher risk of health diseases. It is estimated that these people have around 38% of increased risk of developing heart problems compared with the people who control their sugar consumption.


If you love eating sugar, you are not the only one. Bacteria love sugar, too, including bacteria causing tooth decay. An excessive amount of sugar expands the risks of cavities, which thus can result in tooth loss.

Joint Issues

Sugar is a critical catalyst for inflammation in your body. Increased inflammation is one justification for why an excess of sugar increases your danger of heart issues. Inflammation can occur on your joints, growing your risk for joint pain and movement issues.

Liver Damage

A few kinds of added sugars are handled in the liver. After some time, overconsumption can prompt fatty liver disease, liver scarring, and other sorts of liver issues.

Skin Issues

Too much consumption of sugar is a significant cause of inflammation in your body. It can affect every part of your body, including your skin. Excessive sugar amounts can speed up the skin’s aging process, causing wrinkles solutions and sagging skin.

Erectile Dysfunction

Too much sugar can affect the circulation of blood, including what is required for an erection.

Eyesight Problems

Excessive amounts of blood sugar can damage your retinas, which can cause loss of eyesight. Loss of sight is a pretty common symptom of uncontrolled diabetes.

Mood Problems

Increased sugar intake has been associated with emotional and mental health issues, including increased risks for depression and anxiety.

Please do not allow it to destroy your health. The specialized doctors at Harbor Compounding Pharmacy can assist you with cutting down your carbs and making essential changes to your health. If you want to know more, call or book an appointment online today by visiting the website.

Published by Harbor Compounding Pharmacy

Harbor Compounding Pharmacy in California to provide better health solutions. This medical pharmacy is working in all major states of the USA. The aim of this health pharmacy is to provide solutions to all health-related issues. To maintain a work-life balance, it provides treatment for all diseases and health counseling.

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