How does having diabetes impact your health?

Do you even know that an average American consumes around 17 teaspoons of sugars each day, which comprises a wide range of sugars that aren’t typically found in our foods? Most of them come from sweet bites like treats or sodas. However, even healthy food sources like fruit juices and bread contain too many addedContinue reading “How does having diabetes impact your health?”

Discover the link between medicines and low libido

When the sex drive diminishes, it can be challenging for someone to pinpoint the reason. Can it be because of low testosterone? Hormonal irregularities during pregnancy or menopause? Tiredness or pressure of a new job? These are the factors that can result in low libido. And, so can some medical conditions such as diabetes andContinue reading “Discover the link between medicines and low libido”

How can you get rid of vaginal odor?

The vagina has a special smell which is completely normal. Most of you may be conscious about the scent of your vagina and feel insecure about it but know that a healthy vagina always has a slight odor. Even so, the smell can vary according to many health concerns or infections that you may have.Continue reading “How can you get rid of vaginal odor?”

Can home remedies be used to get rid of vaginal burning?

Vaginal burning is a significant female sexual health problem in which burning occurs in your vagina and the areas around it. There are a number of causes of vaginal burning. The treatment of vaginal burning depends on what causes it. So basically, some cases of vaginal burning can go away on their own. You mayContinue reading “Can home remedies be used to get rid of vaginal burning?”

Learn about the chances your body goes through during orgasms

Orgasms can be a complex and mysterious phenomenon. But this hasn’t obstructed experts from seeking knowledge as abundantly as they possibly can. These are some of the discovered processes that happen during orgasm: The role played by the brain in orgasm: We may conceive an orgasm is just limited to the genitals, although it reallyContinue reading “Learn about the chances your body goes through during orgasms”

Post-orgasmic reactions a woman_s body can experience

Sometimes orgasms are defined as out-of-the-body encounters. However, they are also a full-body experience. After knowing what happens in the human body during an orgasm, it will no longer surprise you that your body can react in various ways afterward. These responses can be comforting, such as an intimate talk with the partner. Or theseContinue reading “Post-orgasmic reactions a woman_s body can experience”

Understanding Hot Flashes – One of Menopause_s Rewards

The span of menopause symptoms differ from woman to woman Most women are accustomed to one of the main symptoms of menopause which is, hot flashes. In this average body temperature increases, and an extreme feeling of heat quickly flushes across the body. Hot flashes are often followed by a flushed red face and massiveContinue reading “Understanding Hot Flashes – One of Menopause_s Rewards”

Explore Treatment Options For Menopausal Headaches.

Simple Approaches For Preventing Or Managing Menopause Headaches The specific link within migraines and menopause is yet under research and will be further explained by future examination. Though, we do understand that there are essential measures you can prefer to reduce the appearance of menopause migraines and relieve your pain when they appear. Dodging Migraines:Continue reading “Explore Treatment Options For Menopausal Headaches.”

How Does Compounded Testosterone Works For Women

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is comparatively rare in women. Men beyond the world practice intramuscular injections, patches, gels, and pellets to increase their diminishing testosterone levels. For men, the advantages and hazards of testosterone therapy are comparatively well-understood. But even if women’s too make testosterone and its levels normally decline throughout the aging process, mostContinue reading “How Does Compounded Testosterone Works For Women”

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