How does having diabetes impact your health?

Do you even know that an average American consumes around 17 teaspoons of sugars each day, which comprises a wide range of sugars that aren’t typically found in our foods? Most of them come from sweet bites like treats or sodas. However, even healthy food sources like fruit juices and bread contain too many addedContinue reading “How does having diabetes impact your health?”

Benefits of bioidentical progesterone for postmenopausal women

Throughout your fertile cycles, you feel a jump in progesterone every month following ovulation. Though, the function of progesterone exceeds fertility because it also benefits in regulating skin, sleep, attitude, thyroid function, and sexual desire. Conclusively, the abrupt decline in progesterone you encounter during menopause can impact your appearance and you might feel negatively thanContinue reading “Benefits of bioidentical progesterone for postmenopausal women”

How To Regain Hormonal Balance From Symptoms Of High Estrogen

Because hormones, including estrogen, can be easily influenced by a broad range of physical and environmental factors, the symptoms linked with high estrogen are mostly not associated with any single reason. Your signs could be due to a more severe medical problem. Or they can be a result of birth control or different hormone medications,Continue reading “How To Regain Hormonal Balance From Symptoms Of High Estrogen”

How To Recognize The Symptoms Caused By Elevated Estrogen

If you cope with symptoms like irregular periods, exhaustion, or mood swings with irritability, you might be undergoing the influences of high estrogen. Sadly, countless women do not realize that their physical or emotional suffering is caused by an excess of this significant hormone. That could possibly happen because the wide range of symptoms linkedContinue reading “How To Recognize The Symptoms Caused By Elevated Estrogen”

Managing Weight Gain In Women Due To Hormonal Imbalance

As you know, hormones play a very important role in maintaining the metabolism of the body and its capability to utilize energy. Hormonal imbalance in women can create so many problems. One of these is weight gain. We will discuss the causes of weight gain in women due to hormonal imbalance and how to manageContinue reading “Managing Weight Gain In Women Due To Hormonal Imbalance”

What Dose Of Bioidentical Progesterone Is Good For You?

The bioidentical hormones are just the same as the regular synthetic hormones but more similar to the natural or biological human hormones. The bioidentical hormones are customized on an individual basis. In this article, we are specifically targeting the bioidentical progesterone. As far as the dose of this bioidentical progesterone is concerned, it is advisedContinue reading “What Dose Of Bioidentical Progesterone Is Good For You?”

Things You Must Know Before Using Bremelanotide Intranasal Spray

Bremelanotide intranasal spray is used to treat conditions like hypoactive sexual desire disorder, that may be generalized or acquired. Bremelanotide is in the form of a spray that is needed to be inhaled through a nostril 45 to 60 mins before you are planning to have any sexual activity. There are a couple of thingsContinue reading “Things You Must Know Before Using Bremelanotide Intranasal Spray”

Side Effects Of Excessive Oxytocin

Although, oxytocin intranasal spray has a lot of benefits during activities like sexual intercourse, delivery, breastfeeding, etc. But excessive intake of oxytocin may have a few side effects on women too. Where it happens to enhance the bonding and interaction between people, it might cause the creation of groups and give rise to aggression andContinue reading “Side Effects Of Excessive Oxytocin”

How Does Hormonal Imbalance Cause Bone Problems?

Like many other functions of the body, hormones are responsible for maintaining healthy bones. Hormonal imbalance in women creates so many problems and one of them is fragile bones. The following is a list of causes of bone problems in women due to hormonal imbalance. The decrease in levels of estrogen The female sex hormoneContinue reading “How Does Hormonal Imbalance Cause Bone Problems?”

Hormone Replacement Therapy to Treat Androgen Deficiency in Women

Well, it is a fact that androgen is a hormone that is dominantly present in the men. But androgen is also found in women in some quantities and is produced by either the adrenal glands or the peripheral fat tissues. It holds importance in maintaining women’s sexual health as it does in men. Just likeContinue reading “Hormone Replacement Therapy to Treat Androgen Deficiency in Women”

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